Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Living a focused life is one of the best things that can happen to you. A focused life is the one in which the person has already decided who he/she wants to be in life, has mapped out plans on how to become such, and is actively pursuing such plans. So many of us dream big: some want to be lawyers, engineers, doctors, successful business men or women, powerful politicians, etc. How many of us make the needed moves to actualize these dreams? It is one thing to dream big, and it is another thing to make the dreams come true. In fact, the big deal lies with the actualization of
our dreams because anybody can dream big but it takes a determined person to actualize a dream.

In this article, I will be sharing with us how we can maintain focus in life, and in turn, have fulfillment. Let's go.

Discover your passion 
What is that thing that you so much love? I mean, that thing that you don't mind doing over and over again even when no financial reward is attached to it? It is not really good to choose a vocation (for instance) because it is lucrative or because your sponsor wants you to. I doubt if one can be creative in a field one has no passion for. You can't go far or stay long on a job you have no enthusiasm for. It is passion that will bring out the creativity in you in a field you have chosen. It is passion that will keep you going when your chosen field "seems" not to be yielding any financial profit. It is passion that will cause you to be at peak performance and consequently break records in your area of specialisation.

Get knowledge 
Acquire (formal) knowledge on your passion. Having discovered your passion, it is very important that you acquire formal knowledge on it. The reason is to avoid any set back you may encounter as a result of lack of formal knowledge in that field. Take for example, someone who loves acting (make-believe) and has acting talent will definitely need a formal education in that field to polish his/her skills. The best thing for such a person to do is to enrol in a movie academy or study related course(s) in the higher institutions to obtain a formal knowledge ( did you say branding?) #winks#. It is when these processes are successfully completed that such a person can be regarded as a professional, and you know what that means. It is the same thing applicable to other careers.

Keep the fire burning 
Don't just relent in your efforts even when it seems you have reached there. Keep adding spices to your performance. Always tell yourself that you still need to do more. I mean, don't feel that you have finally achieved your dream, and so, there is no need for improvements. Look for inspiration always so as to make your performance fresher and better.

Keep the right company 
It matters who your friends are. The reason is that they stand a higher chance of influencing your life or the choices you make. Your friends are the people with whom you share ideas, views, problems and success. They are the people you run to for advice and consolation. A good friend will motivate you to succeed in life, and also correct you when you are wrong. The right friend influences you positively and challanges you to rise above your present level. Being around the right friend reminds you the need to do more because you are not doing enough. This is quite different from envy. Being around a wrong friend makes you feel like you have achieved a lot because such a friend has achieved nothing, and worst still, he doesn't feel bad about it. Keep off because such friend will definitely make you lose focus.

Give back to your society
The essence of your success in life is to better the lives of people. It is for you to help others and not to intimidate or torment them. True fulfillment stems from the help you rendered to people. Of what use is your success when your society doesn't feel its positive impact? You may see yourself as a success but I tell you that true one starts when you begin imparting people's lives in a positive way. So, you've got to give that your inspiring story, advice, connections and wealth back to your society for that's the beauty and, of course, the essence of success.

It is always God
It's not just your efforts but also the grace of God. Never you out rule God in your life for He is the Dream-giver, and will as well teach you how to stay focused on it. You might have not worked harder than the "unsuccessful" ones you see; it's just that the grace of God choose to abound for you. What do you have to do? Acknowledge Him as your Helper, and testify about His goodness and mercy to you.

Best wishes

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