and healthy life. Read on.
Start your day with God
We humans do not know what each day will bring but God knows the end of each day from its beginning. So I think the best thing for us to do is to start the day with Him. Bless your day in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Declare all the good things you want to encounter throughout the day with faith, and look forward to seeing them materialise.
Make your to-do-list for the day
Put all that you intend to achieve in your day in black and white. This will help you to plan yourself ahead, and make proper use of your time. Oh yes, you really need to do that because time is an asset (I think so). Keep the list in an accessible location (diary, jotter or electronic note). Refer to it every now and then throughout the day. It is also important to outline the items in your list in their order of priority. Dear stars, you must not accomplish all that you have in your list, but make sure that as many as you were able to do, were done properly.
Put on a good music
As you are preparing to go out for the day, put on a good music. I love inspiring and gospel music. I also love meaningful native songs. What about you? Whatever your choice is, rock it. Set the volume to a low tune and listen as you prepare for work, school or whatever appointment you have for the day. Meaningful and good music is powerful, isn't it? #smiles#
Put on nice wears
Look good and make sure you are very comfortable in what you are wearing. My dear, your wears mustn't be expensive before you can look gorgeous. No, not at all! Just know cloth styles that fit your stature, and go for them. Don't buy wears because they are in vogue, rather buy the ones that will bring out the king or queen in you. As for me, I love simplicity and uniqueness.
Eat well and responsibly too
I love fruits, vegetables and native foods. I go for light meals in the morning and night. Be very disciplined about what goes into your mouth. Keep fit because it keeps away some ailments.
Wear smiles throughout the day
Learn to smile no matter what you are passing through. Zig Ziglar who knows the invaluable benefits of smiles said in his book, Better than Good: " you can get high on laughter but never overdose. It never felt bad, committed a crime, started a war or broke up a relationship. It is shared by the giver and the receiver. It is a trendsetter".
So go ahead and smile all through the day.
Be kind to everyone you meet
Be nice to people, and decide that you will never be pissed off no matter the kind of ill treatment you are given. Do not reciprocate unfriendly gestures because you do not know what the spiteful fellow is going through. Some people always look out for who to unleash their frustrations on, but you are not that victim. Own your happiness.
Compliment good looks
Tell people that they look good and mean it. It may even be their voice, the way they approach issues, anything. Always look out for good side of others, and sincerely compliment it. I had never seen someone that got offended because he or she was praised or admired. So go ahead and do it, because it does not cause a war.
Guard your heart jealously.
Put a filter at the gate of your mind. Instruct the "gate keeper" never to allow demeaning, evil, dirty, inciting, hateful thoughts or news into your palace (heart). Tell the keeper to allow only inspiring, innovative, educative, lovely and beautiful thoughts or news in. "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny." - Anonymous. The bible says that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:46).
She talks as if she doesn't hear or see all these political crises, terrorism, unemployment, hardship, diseases and social vices, you said? Of course I am very aware of their existence but I choose to ignore them. I only think (not necessarily worry) about things I have the capacity to change, and leave the rest to God. You can't even change the above problems by worrying over them, rather they will pull you down. I'm sure you wouldn't like that to happen to you.
So, what are you waiting for? Go on and enjoy your God-given day.
Have a fulfilled day!
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